







2020年2月11日 所有更新


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC), DCS 6000, or DCS 5900 systems using DIS-CCU, CU 5905, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units.
  • Systems using CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Upgrade Utility (FUU) which is included in the release, is required to update MXC devices.

New Features

  • MXCSIGN features in CCU standalone operation:
    • The sign content to be shown can be selected either from the ‘Participant list/NFC’ or from a separate list with ‘Text lines’
    • Option to change font size
    • Support for all alphabets (including complex alphabets) used in the MXC global languages
    • Hebrew is supported when used with SW6000
  • Voice activation functionality with time compression in MXC conference units
  • Mix-minus functionality in loudspeaker in MXC conference units
  • TPCI additions:
    • Meeting start/stop
    • Autofloor on/off
    • Speech time alarm
    • Reporting of participants individual votes
    • MXCSIGN support
      • Control of the content in standalone systems
      • Support for pairing the MXCSIGN to a seat
      • Import of content into the text lines for MXCSIGN
  • MXCMIU: Ambient support

Bug Fixes

    • SW6000/MXCSIGN: Disconnecting-connecting a sign gives an error message

Known Issues

  • MXC640
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with version 8.6.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 6.10.14
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3
2020年2月11日 所有更新


  • This software release is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions, however it cannot be used to update systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
  • This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
  • No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
  • A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions

New Features

  • CAA
    • New conference variables to be used in voting configuration
      • Button1 (1-5) - result without voting weight
      • TotalButton1 (1-5) - result without voting weight
      • DelegatesVoted - result without voting weight
    • UI revised to add culture code in setup of language for MXC unit
    • Option in Meeting options to enable use of ‘ShowName’ for conference units with a graphical user interface
    • Support sending messages to participants using conference units with paired MXCSIGN
    • Support for extended audio range for MXCMIU units when using XLR input
  • CAA/MXCSIGN - Expanded functionality
    • Updated template format:
      • Supporting complex alphabets like:
        • All alphabets included in MXC Global languages
        • Hebrew
      • Option to rotate the image 180 degrees
      • Option to assign colors (grayscale) to text and background, both globally and in text boxes
    • Option to pair an MXCSIGN with an interpreter booth and display interpretation related information:
      • Booth number
      • Booth language
      • Booth language channel
      • Booth language abbreviation
    • The use of the word ‘Delegate’ is changed to ‘Participant,’ which needs to be changed in old templates intended to be used
    • Expanded information that can be displayed for participants:
      • First name
      • Last name
      • ShowName
      • Message
    • Option to show meeting info:
      • Meeting name
      • Active subject
  • CDA
    • Include Reply label and description as displayable options in reply lists:
      • ReplyDescription
      • ReplyLabel

Bug Fixes

  • CUA
    • Cannot adjust microphone audio levels for individual seats using CUA
    • Change in language assignment is not reflected for an interpreted channel or number of channels available if the assigned language is changed using CAA
    • Votes cast using the conference unit are not displayed in the voting buttons in a CUA assigned to the unit when the CUA voting buttons are disabled
    • Dragging and droping in the request list will not correctly move the reply colors between subjects
    • If a voting formula with a calculation error is used (e.g. divide by zero) the CUA will crash when trying to display the voting result.
    • An error may be displayed if a participant is logged in or out using mimic while the CUA is displaying the microphones screen with participants’ extension control open.
    • Unplugging/plugging in an MXCSIGN could cause an exception if CUA displays the Microphones control with Participants extension control activated
    • Muting a microphone causes the speech time counter to stop. It should continue until the microphone is switched off
  • CDA
    • Voting screen does not display voting status and number of votes after the first vote is cast
    • Command line parameter ‘-canresize’ caused a white line to appear when CDA is running on Windows 10
    • Command line parameter ‘-IP’ is not working
    • Interim voting result is not displayed on the mimic for a participant if the participant has proxy voting rights
    • Skin editor alignment ‘grid’ is too closely placed when running the application in Windows 10
    • Language name for Slovenia has been changed from Slovenski to Slovenský
  • CAA
    • Microphone seat list does not prevent the user from adding the same computer name as a standalone computer and as a terminal server with console numbers
    • Deleting a ‘meeting role’ which is only used in a room setup will cause an exception
    • Will throw exception if a user tries to add entries to the participant list of a meeting if no participants have been defined in the database
    • Deleting a large agenda with more than 480 subjects caused an exception, and deletion failed
    • Deleting a MXCSIGN template that’s in use caused errors when the MXCSIGN tried to reference the no-longer-existing template
    • Adding conference units for the first time to a system with SW6000 applications running caused a wrong seat name to be displayed for the newly-added units
    • When running a meeting with ‘no login’ mode using an agenda and setting subjects active, the meeting report will not display the agenda item changes
    • Equipment list does not update microphone status on meeting stop. A microphone in request will be removed from request list when the meeting is stopped, but this is not updated in the CAA | Setup | Equipment |Conference units window
    • Using CAA | Setup | Equipment | Interpreter consoles sort desks by clicking on desk number and trying to replace a unit with replace functionality an Exception is seen
    • Using CAA | Setup | Equipment | Interpreter consoles window and changing sort order by clicking on column header for serial#/booth#/desk# while updating settings for an interpreter set can cause an exception
    • Agenda details for no subject may appear multiple times in report if user repeatedly sets agenda item active/not active
    • Importing meeting participants from XML can cause a random group to be added to some participants, even though groups are not defined in the import
  • CUI
    • Webservice - result node is missing in the individual voting result event
    • Webservice - A participant logout event for a participant without an import id creates a webservice call with an <import_id> node with value -1
    • Cannot discover new MXCSIGNs if standard templates have been deleted in the database
    • Cannot connect to CCU using Bonjour when using a hostname with a trailing dot
    • Webservice - Seat names are not correctly inserted in a webservice speaker change call if no participant is logged in to the seat
    • Participant names are always sent to the CCU using default language regardless of what language is specified for the ‘Units with graphical user interface’
    • Pausing a meeting with a request list having 2 or more participants in the request list cause an internal error, visible in error messages
  • Database
    • Not able to install database using ‘Remove All’ button during installation
    • Fix for updating the ‘Participant list history’
  • Installer
    • Installation on Windows Server 2016. MXMQ services do not automatically install
    • Installation on Windows Server 2016. MSMQ services required by SW6000 were not enabled by the install script
  • Backup tool
    • Restoring a database using the backup tool and using SQL authentication fails. Note it succeeds when using Windows credentials

Known Issues

  • The view of the new templates for the NAMESIGN in ‘CAA | Setup | Configurations | Name sign templates’ is not easily readable as ‘line shift’ between the items is missing


  • UN Name sign are still supported using the templates from version 6.9, however, the word ‘Delegate’ must be changed to ‘Participant’ in the templates
  • To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 6.10, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • MXC firmware release 8.6.0
2020年2月12日 所有更新



  • 使用包扫描安全软件可能会导致IntelliMix Room的音频性能问题 。
  • 当从试用许可证过渡到付费许可证时,除非用户使用Designer软件手动停用和重新激活端点,否则将使用试用选项。
  • 在某些情况下,系统应用程序不会自动运行。导航到C:\Program Files\Shure\ IntelliMixRoom 并运行“IntelliMixRoomTrayApp.exe”。这只需要做一次每个实例 IntelliMix Room。
  • 当使用Dante域管理器(DDM)和设备的权限设置为只读或DDM服务器离线, 你仍然可以更新 IntelliMix Room。
  • 如果您更改了安装的通道计数,Dante输出通道名称不会更改。
  • 当使用舒尔网络音频加密, 你会看到一个“关键错误”频道没有建立Room音频线路。 这不影响设备性能,可以忽略。
  • 系统应用程序中的一些文本仅以英语显示。
  • 改变主机安装后的系统名 IntelliMix Room也改变了Dante设备名称,如Dante Controller。舒尔的设备名称保持不变。
  • 如果在设计器软件中遇到更改IntelliMix Room房间实例的通道数的问题,请先停用IntelliMix Room实例,然后更改通道数并重新激活。



  • User Guide
  • 安装和部署指南
  • 快速启动指南
  • 系统要求
    • Windows 10专业版、企业版或IoT Enterprise版(64位)
    • 处理器:i5四核
    • 1.9 GHz以上
    • 最小8GB内存
    • 固态驱动器
  • IMX Room 1.0兼容以下软件和固件版本:
    • Designer 4.1
    • MXA910 4.1.41
    • MXA310 4.1.37
    • P300 4.1.11
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 4.1.39
    • ANI22 4.1.39
    • ANI4IN 4.1.39
    • ANI4OUT 4.1.39
    • Microflex Wireless 8.0.3
2020年2月12日 所有更新


  • Support for new frequency bands:
    • Axient Digital
      • 1240 MHz – 1260 MHz (Z16)
    • PSM1000
      • 518 MHz – 584 MHz (H22)


  • User Guide
  • To operate Axient 2.1.31 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.6
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.1
2020年2月12日 所有更新


  • Support for new frequency bands:
    • Axient Digital
      • 1240 MHz – 1260 MHz (Z16)
    • PSM1000
      • 518 MHz – 584 MHz (H22)


  • User Guide
  • To operate Axient 2.1.31 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Axient Digital 1.2.35
    • UR4 UHF-R receiver 1.171
    • UR3 Plug-on Transmitter
    • UR5 Portable Diversity Receiver
    • ULX-D ULXD4X Receivers 2.4.9
    • QLX-D QLXD4 Receiver 2.3.22
    • PSM1000 P10T Transmitter 1.7.6
    • SBRC Shure Battery Rack Charger 1.1.5
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.6
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.1
2020年3月19日 所有更新



  • 修复错误



2020年4月2日 所有更新




  • 用户手册
  • AONIC 50的固件更新将适用于ShurePlus PLAY应用程序
2020年4月2日 所有更新



  • 舒尔无线产品的定制控件
  • 用户界面的改进
  • 错误修复



2020年4月2日 所有更新


  • 舒尔无线产品的定制控件
  • 用户界面的改进
  • 错误修复



  • 该应用程序可以播放存储在设备音乐库中的文件。打开iOS设置应用程序,从应用程序列表中选择播放,打开“允许播放访问媒体和苹果音乐”设置。
  • 该应用程序只播放存储在设备本地的文件。存储在云端的一些音轨可能会在应用程序中显示为灰色,但无法播放。



  • 用户手册
  • 支持iPhone 5S及以后版本-不支持iPad和iPod Touch
  • 兼容iOS 11.3或更高版本
2020年4月2日 所有更新




  • 用户手册
  • 固件更新在ShurePlus PLAY应用程序中可用