
Microflex Complete





Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P devices to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to be used making the update.

New Features

    • Option to select microphone (headset or gooseneck) at headset insertion
  • MXC640
    • ‘Chairman' changed to 'Chairperson'

Bug Fixes

  • MXC640
    • Interpreter channels are not updating
    • The unit continues to show speech time, when speech time is paused, and then no speech time is selected
    • Voting result is wrong with large voting weight
    • Wrong vote conclusion is shown after entering votes manually from CUA
    • NFC card remove/insert during voting in 'Meeting mode: Using chip card authentication’ is failing
    • When chairperson turns off microphone other delegates seated on MXC640 units, have their speech time set to 00:00
    • Keeps showing delegate speech time after switching to group speech time
    • Enable MIU interpreter source can occupy unused outgoing channels on MXCIC units
  • MX605
    • Enable MIU interpreter source can block all outgoing channels on MXC605 Int.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.4.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2 or later
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P devices to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to be used making the update.

New Features

  • MXC640
    • Optimization of voting performance (card insert/remove):
      • When the participant inserts the card, an animation 'Reading NFC card' is shown following with displaying of the name of the participant logging in. The animation is still shown when a participant is logging in, when a voting session is not started, but is fast-forwarded and greeting-banner removed, when a voting session is started enabling the participant to vote as quick as possible after inserting the card.
    • ‘System information’ report updated to include firmware version of devices
    • Chairman' changed to 'Chairperson'

Bug Fixes

    • The FW version number reported with the 'avr' command is different compared to FW version reported in FUU
    • Event log warning added if unknown card is detected
  • MXC640
    • Removal of wrong NFC card during SW6000 meeting & voting, results in card-error-animation hang
    • Wrong voting conclusion (passed/not passed) can be displayed when under SW6000 control


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.3.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2 or later
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to be used making the update.

New Features

  • This is a hotfix and does not include any new features. Please refer to ‘Release Note 9.2.0’ for a list of new features in FW 9.2.

Bug Fixes

  • MXC620/620-F, MXC630/630-F, MXC640
    • A bug is corrected, where the NFC card, art. no. ‘MXCNFCCard-10PK’, did not work in the units.
    • A bug is corrected, where units randomly did not respond to system changes (language channels etc.) and where the microphone list was not shown.

Known Issues

  • For a list of known issues please refer to ‘Release Note 9.2.0’ for a list of new features in FW 9.2.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2 or v9.3
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release must be usedtoupdate your firmware.

New Features

  • This is a hotfix and does not include any new features. Please refer to the version 9.2.0 release notes for a list of new features in FW 9.2.

Bug Fixes

  • MXC605
    • A bug is corrected where audio was not present in the loudspeaker in the unit when the MXC605 was configured as a voting unit.

Known Issues

  • For a list of known issues please refer to ‘Release Note 9.2.0’ for a list of new features in FW 9.2.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update:
    • Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit
    • DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release
  • The update requires using the Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release

New Features

  • System
    • Support for Mifare/Desfire card when used with SW6000
      • When using SW6000, the MXC system can now be configured to provide:
        • The User ID/Login code data from ACOS3 NFC cards programmed from SW6000 (current feature) or
        • The Unique ID on a Mifare/Desfire NFC card or an ACOS3 NFC card (new feature)
      • Benefits
        • Using the Unique ID enables usage of cards where no (meeting) data has been written to the card
        • This makes it possible to use cards that are provided to users for other purposes to login to SW6000, so the user needs to hold one less card
      • Important
        • Mifare/Desfire NFC cards can only be used with SW6000 connected, not in a standalone system
    • Support for setting output/level on the AO6004 Audio Output unit
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • System Information Report – Information content updated
    • Support for configuring MXCMIU as Interpreter source
    • Support for configuring MXC605 as a voting unit
    • Alternate LED indications. Option to set the microphone ‘Speak/Request color’:
      • Red speak | Green Request
      • Green speak | Green Request
    • Option to disable the Request indication in the gooseneck microphone
    • Disable Global language selection (CGUI) when SW6000 is connected
    • Interpreter Source option
  • MXC640
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
  • MXC605
    • Option with new overlay: Voting 2- and 3-buttons, Attendance check, Secret/open voting
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
    • OS updated to allow the use of the USB connector together with the ‘Shure MXCSIGN App’. The app allows to transfer a defined picture to the sign
  • TPCI
    • ‘Speak Slow’ support
    • MIU interpreter source option

Bug Fixes

  • System
    • Ambient sound disappears when switching to VOX mode
  • CCU
    • Web GUI removes only a single unregistered unit at 'Remove unregistered units'
    • Web GUI – Indication in buttons in Diagnostic screen updated
    • Diagnostic – last unit on a chain is reported as lost when reconfigured into loop
    • Floor1 and Floor2 is switched in the web GUI Channel-dropdown
    • Force CCU-configuration to 1000 m of cable, when upgrading from earlier versions to Release 9.2.0
    • The indication for 605 interpreter in 'Diagnostic' is wrong
    • Function button indication is not turning blue, when configured as ambient mic
  • MXC620
    • Unit not reacting to card inserted, when location code is altered
  • MXC620-F & MXC630-F
    • Chairman left button configured as Exclusive can take over other units already in Exclusive state
  • MXC630 and MXC630-F
    • 3-Btn Secret voting with proxy – missing LED indication
    • Cannot login to a meeting during a paused Voting session
    • Indication in proxy button is not correct
    • Secret voting – wrong LED indication
  • MXC640
    • "Attended" text is not translated
    • Misleading texts corrected when logging in with card
    • Missing clear feedback on buttons on login screen
    • Present/seats value = 2000 are cut of in right side, and only 200 is shown
    • Speech time display permissions are not working
    • Voting not possible with meeting mode: No login
    • Some units are 'Locked' when the system is powered
    • Unable to turn off "Audible Level Warning"

Known Issues

  • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
  • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
  • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • These release notes include notes from the not-released FW 9.1
  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 9.2.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605
  • MXC605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCUCentral Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required for the update.

New Features

  • This is a hotfix – no new features. Refer to release note for Release 9.0.0 for description of new features.

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect Default CCU-database when upgrading a former 5900-system (2000 m cable instead of default 1000m) leading to communication problems using short feeding cables.
  • Updating of CCU from 8.6.2 (in 5900-mode) must force 6000-mode LAN configuration

Known Issues

  • Refer to the release notes for Release 9.0.0 for description of known issues.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with version 9.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 9.0.13
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605
  • MXC605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to make the update.

New Features

  • DIS-CCU  
    • MXC605 support – as delegate, chairman, ambient and interpreter
    • MXC605-F support – as delegate, chairman and ambient
    • DC5980P support for use in MXC system – as delegate, chairman and interpreter
      • Meeting role (Delegate/Chairman) is set in DIS-CCU  -  change "on-the-fly"
      • Left button is configured in DIS-CCU
        • Delegate: No function or Mute
        • Chairman: No function or All delegates off
    • DC5900F support for use in MXC system – as delegate and chairman
      • Meeting role (Delegate/Chairman) is set in DIS-CCU  -  change "on-the-fly"
    • Auto registration/selection of MXC VOX mode vs 6000 VOX mode. If 5900/6000 units are present, voice activation mode will be 6000 VOX mode, otherwise it will be MXC VOX mode
    • Comply with California’s IoT Law
    • Global and UI language options expanded with Catalan and Basque
    • System change option between 5900 and 6000 mode removed
    • FL6000 license included as default
  • MXC Conference Units
    • Support for Speak button “Delegate speak button lock”
    • Support for Speak button "Press and hold"
    • UI language options expanded with Catalan and Basque
    • Option to show agenda
    • Option to enable/disable the audio beeps for hearing protection
    • Mic LED button behavior to indicate selected outgoing channels status
  • TCPI
    • 'mic_mute_all’ command included

Bug Fixes

  • MXC Conference units
    • MXC VOX mode: Pressing Mute should prevent gating on own MIC
  • MXC630-F 
    • Wrong indication in 'Abstain' button
  • MXC640
    • Fixed LED control when a dual unit is both in speak list and request list
    • Present/seats value = 2000 was cut off on right side, and only 200 was shown
    • Home screen and FW upgrade screen images are changed
    • Individual microphone Level was not persistent across unit and CCU reset
  • MXCIC 
    • Long participant names were not updating on Speakers page
  • TPCI 
    • Individual vote state was missing a space char before button_id
    • Mic_speech_time_alarm repeats multiple times for alarm for each unit
    • Mix-minus state info was not correct
  • Legacy 6000 units
    • VOX settings not kept after reboot

Known Issues

  • MXC640
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices using version 9.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3


  • 此固件版本可用于使用了DIS-CCU、CU 5905、CU 6105或CU 6110中央单元的Microflex Complete(MXC)、DCS 6000或DCS 5900系统的更新。
  • 此版本不支持使用CU 6000、CU 6005、CU 6010和CU 6011中央单元的系统。
  • 版本中包含的固件升级实用程序(FUU)是更新MXC设备所必需的。


  • CCU独立运行中的MXCSIGN功能:
    • 要显示的电子标牌内容可以从“参与者列表/ NFC”或带有“文本行”的单独列表中选择
    • 更改字体大小的选项
    • 支持MXC全局语言中使用的所有字母(包括复杂字母)
    • 与SW6000一起使用时支持希伯来语
  • MXC会议单元中支持时间压缩的语音激活功能
  • MXC会议单元中扬声器的混音消除功能
  • TPCI新增功能:
    • 会议开始/停止
    • 自动原声通道开/关
    • 发言时间报警
    • 报告参与者个人票数
    • MXCSIGN支持
      • 在独立系统中控制内容
      • 支持将MXCSIGN与坐席配对
      • 将内容导入到MXCSIGN的文本行中
  • MXCMIU:环境话筒支持


    • SW6000/MXCSIGN:断开连接标志会出现错误提示


  • MXC640
    • 如果未首先启动正常的投票议程,则不会显示手动输入的投票结果
    • 手动输入结果的议程主题名称可能错误
    • 如果启用了NFC卡,则无法将配置为双代表的MXC640与SW6000一起使用


  • MXC和DCS 6000固件文件捆绑在同一发布文件中
  • 若与其它舒尔联网系统一起使用版本8.6.0的MXC设备,请参阅以下最低软件和固件版本列表:
    • SW6000 版本 6.10.14
    • 舒尔 NFC Programming App 版本 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC), DCS 6000, or DCS 5900 systems using DIS-CCU, CU 5905, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units.
  • Systems using CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • Firmware Upgrade Utility (FUU) v1686, which is included in the release, is required to update MXC devices.

New Features

    • Support for XLR input in the MXCMUI when configured as single unit. The use of this input is configured in the DIS-CCU CGUI. The following audio input options are available in the ‘Devices setup’ screen:
      • Port A
      • XLR – line
      • XLR – mic
    • The following option is available in the ‘Participant’ screen:
      • Audio level adjustment: +10 to -20 dB
    • Note: The Port A loudspeaker output and controls are still active when the MXCMUI is configured with XLR audio in.


  • MXC640
    • Percent indication in voting result screen is now visible when SW6000 is connected
  • DIS-CCU (6000 Mode)
    • The state of enabling/disabling of NFC cards is restored after disconnection of SW6000
    • Diagnostics: Cable length info has been removed from the diagnostic report
    • Diagnostics: Cable break info in the diagnostic event log has been updated to report only one of the units connected to the defective cable

Bug Fixes

    • Diagnostics: Incorrect seat number was reported in the Event log at Cable break
    • Diagnostics: Event log did not work when SW6000 was connected
    • Diagnostics: Fixed an error in cable length in the diagnostic report
    • CCU was wrongly storing users’ speaking rights after closing the CUI
  • MXC630
    • Secret voting - LEDs turned off after casting first vote
    • Attendance button was not blinking after inserting NFC card during attendance session
    • Voting buttons were not blinking after inserting an NFC card during a voting session
  • MXC640
    • "Total" text was not translated for 5-button voting
    • Left button functionality Exclusive was not working
    • The Request icon was cut in the right side
    • Microphone LED was turning off after receiving a “channel occupied” message
    • Two interpreter devices can have same booth and desk number

Known Issues

  • Some units in systems with greater than 150 units may not be shown in the Network Topology report.
  • Some units may reset when cable breaks in a loop on an EX 6010 unit.
  • MXC640
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual-delegate unit with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with version 8.5.1 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 6.9.11

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC), DCS 6000, or DCS 5900 systems using DIS CCU, CU 5905, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units.
  • Systems using CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • Firmware Upgrade Utility (FUU) v1684, which is included in the release, is required to update MXC devices. In the FUU, MXC devices will be designated with an "-A" suffix.

New Features

DIS-CCU (6000 Mode)

  • Support for Dual delegate role
  • Real-time diagnostics for MXC units:
    • Loop problem (due to cable or unit failure)
    • Unit offline/online status
    • Low voltage level
    • Alerts appear in the event log
  • DCS-LAN network topology information for MXC units
  • Activation of LED indication for units in chain and in loop
  • Save and restore CCU settings
  • TPCI commands showing when interpreter audio is present on interpreter channels


  • Support for Dual Delegate role when used with two MXCMIU-FL/FS front plates connected to the HDMI A and B connectors (supports dual microphones, dual loudspeakers, dual LEDs)


  • Support for Dual Delegate role


  • Support for Dual Delegate role (except NFC ID card functionality)


  • Support for Dual Delegate role (except NFC ID card functionality)
  • Participant speech timer appears on MXC640 screen when used with SW6000 software
  • Ability in SW6000 software to allow all participants with a specific role (e.g. Delegate) to view or hide the speak/request list on their MXC640 screen
  • Chairman can start/stop meetings on MXC640 (meetings must be set up in SW6000 software)
  • Support for 2-button (Yes/No) voting in standalone mode without SW6000 software
  • Ability to upload startup screen image/logo via Firmware Update Utility
  • Support for up to 1000 agenda items
  • 3 additional screen languages (Thai, Turkish, Lithuanian added; brings total to 17)


  • Interpreter can view the Speak/Request list on MXCIC screen (when used standalone or with SW6000)
  • "Slow" button now active
  • Language Pre-select control behavior changed: Language selection is now activated on release of a pre-select button, in addition to clicking the rotary button to confirm. Also, pressing or turning the rotary button while holding a pre-select button launches the pre-select language list.



  • Improvements to result note display
  • All language-based properties at meeting end
  • Info in the top menu is updated

Bug Fixes


  • Corrected a bug where seat numbers were not sorted in the Participant Setup page


  • Corrected bugs where
    • it was not possible to set a subject active
    • the Speak button LED does not blink when unit is next in the request list in FIFO mode
    • the unit language is not changed back to system language after the user is logged out or after stopping the meeting

Known Issues

  • When the system uses SW6000, voting result labels in TCP/IP control strings are shifted.
  • During boot up, there may be a spike on the analog output.
  • Some units in systems >150 units may not be shown in the Topology report.
  • Some units may reset when cable breaks in a loop on an EX 6010 unit.
  • The Event log in DIS-CCU CGUI does not work when SW6000 is connected and a meeting is started.
  • MXC640
    • When an agenda with max. items and with max. words in the item name and descriptions is received, the GUI may not be responsive for a period of time
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled
    • Re-doing an attendance check might make the attendance button nonoperational
    • The percent indication in the Voting Result screen may not be correct for user-specified voting configurations
    • The Exclusive button does not work if configured to the function button (left button)


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with release version 8.5.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • DCS 6000 8.5.0
    • SW6000 6.8.33a
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC), DCS 6000, or DCS 5900 systems using DIS CCU, CU 6105 or CU 6110 Central Units.
  • Systems using CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • Firmware Upgrade Utility (FUU) v1660, which is included in the release, is required to update MXC devices. In the FUU, MXC devices will be designated with an "-A" suffix.

New Features

DIS-CCU (6000 Mode), CU 61XX

  • Support for Microflex Complete MXC640, MXCIC, MXCMIU, and MXCSIGN.
  • Ability to setup up MXCSIGN dual side e-paper information display.


  • Support for configuring DCS LAN Redundant Loop (using MXC-ACC-RIB unit)
  • Speak Button Lock


  • Support for setting GUI language in MXC640
  • Updated UI labels to match Microflex Complete Wireless
  • FUU_Firmware_Upgrade renamed to MXC_Firmware_Upgrade_Utility

Bug Fixes

  • DIS-CCU: Exclusive Functionality does not switch a shared microphone back on when removed.
  • No audio from a shared microphone after an un-mute.

Known Issues

  • When the system uses SW6000, voting result labels in TCP/IP control strings are shifted.
  • During boot up, there may be a spike on analog out.
  • MXC640
    • Reply/request list is responding slow with more than 50/50 in their respective lists.
    • Scrolling through an agenda with 100+ items is slow.
    • When an agenda with max. items and with max. words in item name and descriptions is received, the GUI may not be responsive for a period of time.
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if voting has not yet started.
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong if the participant has not closed the voting result screen after the last voting session.
    • “Rep on” and “Rep off”' buttons are missing in the UI with chairman left button configured to “Reply.”


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with release version 8.4.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • DCS 6000 8.4.2
    • SW6000 6.7.8
    • Shure NFP Programming App 1.0.3


DCS 6000

DCS 6000 系统是一款以科技创新为基础的全数字化产品,无论用在何处都可呈现清晰音质。无疑是满足用户发言和收听需求的最高效解决方案。

DDS 5900

舒尔 DDS 5900 数字会议系统声音清晰,设置简单,让用户能轻松发言和监听,而不需要发言者刻意提高发言音量而造成紧张和疲劳。

Microflex Complete


MXC Firmware

Latest firmware packages ensure that your conference systems perform at their best. The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) is included and required to update compatible Shure products and manage device firmware.